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Arkansas River Flooding

From the Arkansas GIS Office:

We have been receiving several requests for data associated with the Arkansas River Flooding.

The most requested file that everyone needs immediately is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) forecasted inundation areas.  We learned earlier today this file is available for public consumption.

We obtained a copy of that data today and stood up a webservice of those polygons.  The REST endpoint is located here:

This polygon data set is the same as the one available here:

We will update the service we published if or when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers updates.

Shelby D Johnson - Geographic Information Officer

2019 Chair of the Coalition of Geospatial Organizations

Arkansas GIS Office

1 Capitol Mall Ste 6D

Little Rock, AR 72201

501.682.2943  Tel

501.407.0790  Fax

Promoting efficient development, maintenance, and distribution of Arkansas’ geographic information resources.

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