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As defined in our organizational charter officers are elected to a term of two years during our biennial symposium.  Offices serve as the elected leadership of the Forum and manage its administration.  The following are the currently elected officers serving until January 2020. 

Chair - Sunny Farmahan | ArDOT 

Vice-Chair - Tina Thompson | WAPDD

Secretary - Jami Nash | ASU

Treasurer - Vacant

Proudly Supporting


In assoication with

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee serves as the voting body of the Arkansas GIS Users Forum.  Appointment to the Executive Committee is strictly volunteer with participation requirements as defined in the organizational charter.


Brian Culpepper | CAST

Darrell Allen | City of Hope

Elizabeth Bowen | Heritage Trail Partners

Eric Nelson | Nelson Intelligence Solutions 

James Holley | PAgis

Dr. Jason Post | ASU

Dr. John Nowlin | ASU

Katy Hattenhauer | Arkansas GIS Office

Rusty McAllister | City of Jonesboro

Sarah Waggoner | Halff Associates 

Sharon Hawkins| ArDOT

*Deano Traywick | City of Fort Smith


* denotes former Chair


Federal Liaisons

Tina Rotenburry | US Forest Service


Our local affilates

The River Valley GIS Group

The Northwest Arkansas GIS Group

The Northeast Arkansas GIS Group

The South Arkansas GIS Group

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